SAP Digital Manufacturing (SAP DM) State-of-the-art Manufacturing Execution System (MES) as Software-as-a-Service

SAP Digital Manufacturing (SAP DM) is a cloud-based, flexibly scalable MES standard software based on an open, service-oriented architecture and operated on SAP's Business Technology Platform (BTP). SAP DM offers functions for controlling, monitoring, data analysis and integration of manufacturing processes and creates the technological infrastructure for manufacturing companies to implement a "smart factory" .

The MES solution provided by SAP as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS ) offers a wide range of standard functionalities to control and integrate all plants, workstations and machines, thus enabling end-to-end transparency across multiple locations.

SAP DM can also be seamlessly integrated with SAP S/4HANA and SAP ERP ECC, allowing relevant data (e.g. orders, parts lists, routings, etc.) to be transferred and used in real time via standard integration.

By using analysis functions in conjunction with key performance indicators (KPIs), predictive functions and machine learning functions , generated data can be evaluated and used in real time using freely configurable reports. In this way, possible optimization potentials can be identified and realized through data-driven decisions, which sustainably improves the efficiency of production processes.

SAP DM can be used across all industries and offers various functionalities for manufacturing processes in discrete manufacturing as well as in the process industry.

FAQ: Comprehensive production control with SAP DM

SAP Digital Manufacturing (SAP DM) is a cloud-based, flexibly scalable MES solution that can be used to control and execute all production processes, including the use of resources. SAP DM ensures consistent and transparent manufacturing processes across system and company boundaries by providing constant control of all downstream processes.

  • Support for a globally standardized One-MES strategy
  • End-to-end transparency and 100% traceability
  • Modern user experience and simple configuration
  • Fast implementation and optimal scalability
  • Deep integrations with SAP S/4HANA, SAP EWM and SuccessFactors are part of the solution

  • SAP Digital Manufacturing Execution (SAP DMe)
  • SAP Digital Manufacturing Insights (SAP DMi)
  • SAP Resource Orchestration (REO)

SAP DM function modules

SAP DM consists of several functional modules that can be used individually or as a complete package. The solution essentially comprises the following components:

Digital Manufacturing Execution (DMe)

SAP DM Execution is a cloud-based production control system for the detailed planning and control of orders and the targeted execution of all production processes.

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Digital Manufacturing Insights (DMi)

SAP DM Insights is a performance management solution with which large amounts of data from the store floor can be visualized, analyzed and evaluated in real time.

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SAP Ressource Orchestration (REO)

SAP REO serves as a detailed planning tool for the fine-tuning of resources (employees, tools, etc.) at store floor level.

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Key advantages of SAP DM

Support for a globally standardized One MES strategy

SAP DM is a strategic production platform with a wide range of immediately usable functions for discrete manufacturing and the process industry. The cutting-edge MES can be used across industries and globally in all of a company's locations in order to implement a globally uniform MES strategy.

Modern user experience and simple configuration

SAP DM offers a state-of-the-art user interface to provide production employees with the best possible support during the manufacturing process. Adjustments to the system can be implemented as intuitively as possible through simple configuration (low-code / no-code) or individual extensions.

Deep integration with SAP S/4HANA, SAP ERP ECC, SAP EWM and SuccessFactors

SAP DM offers standard interfaces for SAP ERP (ECC | S/4 HANA) as well as for SAP EWM and SuccessFactors, which enable full integration for bidirectional data exchange. In addition, the functional standard already provides fully thought-out integration scenarios that regulate optimal interaction between the respective systems when executing a wide variety of processes.

Complete transparency and 100% traceability

SAP DM enables end-to-end transparency in the production environment and 100% traceability of all products. The standard software documents all events during the manufacture of a product as well as the production process itself, allowing serialization to batch size 1 and all documentation requirements to be implemented

Fast implementation and optimum scalability

SAP DM is provided as a "Software-as-a-Service" (SaaS) model, which is why no initial, local installation of the cloud-based MES solution is required. Additional sites can be added to SAP DM by simply "activating" it, which reduces implementation times for rollouts and ensures optimum scalability of the solution.

Downloads SAP DM

Request our white papers now and receive further exclusive information on digital manufacturing.

PDF (573.3 KB)
Whitepaper „SAP Digital Manufacturing“
Success factor integrated production logistics with SAP EWM
Request our whitepaper now

Given the challenging times we live in, integrated production logistics is an often underestimated success factor. In this whitepaper, you will therefore learn about the benefits of an integrated process organization (for example in the form of MES-controlled provision for production supply) and how you can integrate and implement this with the familiar SAP solutions.


request whitepaper for free
Whitepaper – SAP Digital Manufacturing | IGZ
Highlights from the SAP DM + SAP EWM whitepaper

  • The smart factory: from isolated solutions to a platform
  • Pioneering work for interlinked warehouse and production processes
  • The interplay between production and logistics
  • Process examples + use cases
PDF (408.5 KB)
Whitepaper „SAP Digital Manufacturing - Discrete Industry“
Production control from the cloud with SAP DMe
Request our SAP DMe whitepaper now

In this whitepaper, we will show you how to make the right decision for your specific application. In the context of the smart or digital factory, SAP Digital Manufacturing for Execution (SAP DMe) acts as a SaaS manufacturing cloud solution that enables you to achieve significant gains in quality and efficiency. As a result, visions and ideas relating to "Industry 4.0" are increasingly becoming a tangible reality.


request whitepaper for free
Whitepaper SAP Digital Manufacturing - Diskrete Fertigung
Highlights from the SAP DMe whitepaper

  • DMe as the central pivotal point in production
  • Resource orchestration at shop-floor level
  • Dynamic workforce scheduling with SAP DMe
  • "Digital twin" and other functionalities
PDF (411.7 KB)
Whitepaper „SAP Digital Manufacturing - Process Industry“
Production control from the cloud with SAP DMe
Request our SAP DMe whitepaper now

In this whitepaper, we will show you how to make the right decision for your specific application. In the context of the smart or digital factory, SAP Digital Manufacturing for Execution (SAP DMe) acts as a SaaS manufacturing cloud solution that enables you to achieve significant gains in quality and efficiency. As a result, visions and ideas relating to "Industry 4.0" are increasingly becoming a tangible reality.


request whitepaper for free
Whitepaper – SAP DM für Prozessindustrie | IGZ
Highlights from the SAP DMe whitepaper

  • DMe as the central pivotal point in the product
  • Resource orchestration at shop-floor level
  • Dynamic workforce scheduling with SAP DMe
  • Selected MES applications for the process industry
PDF (331.5 KB)
Whitepaper „SAP Digital Manufacturing for Insights“
Data analysis to increase efficiency with SAP DMi
Request our SAP DMi whitepaper now

In the second whitepaper on SAP Digital Manufacturing, you will learn the most important information about SAP Digital Manufacturing for Insights (DMi), the cloud-based performance management solution from SAP. It offers detailed analyses of manufacturing performance (almost in real time) within and between production sites on a global scale and the potential to continuously improve production processes.


request whitepaper for free
Whitepaper „SAP Digital Manufacturing for Insights“
Highlights from the SAP DMi whitepaper

  • Standardized performance analysis at global level
  • Compilation of individual dashboards and KPIs
  • Getting to the bottom of the causes - with root cause analysis
  • Predictive functions for smooth production processes

Integrated production logistics with SAP EWM

Both SAP Digital Manufacturing (DM) and SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SAP EWM) are prepared for direct integration and interaction and offer fully thought-out integration scenarios.

The integration of the two solutions enables planned and efficient handling of logistics processes in the warehouse and subsequent provision for downstream manufacturing processes as well as for the storage of finished products.

This allows companies to make use of a consumption-driven pull strategy in order to save costs in the long term and respond flexibly to customer requirements.

Key benefits of integrated production logistics in SAP standard software:

  • Comprehensive process and inventory transparency across warehouse and production
  • Demand-oriented provision based on MES planning data
  • Error reduction through consistent, cross-system processes

Further information on SAP DM/EWM integration scenarios can be found here.

What does SAP DM mean for the future of the industry?

SAP DM sets new standards compared to conventional MES solutions. With its impressive near-real-time data processing and innovative SaaS approach, SAP DM allows you to react flexibly to changing order volumes or special customer requirements. At the same time, existing resources can be used optimally and downtimes minimized.

The seamless integration of data from ERP, IoT, MES and automation systems enables global and extremely detailed monitoring of production performance. In combination with machine learning algorithms, SAP DM becomes a resource-saving tool of the future.

Andreas Busch

Sales SAP MES / DM

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