Production data acquisition Effective production data acquisition (PDA) with SAP MES and SAP DM

Production data acquisition (PDA) with SAP Digital Manufacturing (SAP DM), SAP Manufacturing Execution (SAP ME) and SAP Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence (SAP MII) gives you access to precise evaluations of the progress and status of your orders or the costs incurred during production, for example.

This allows you to derive insights that facilitate decision-making and improve the performance of your intralogistics processes.

Targeted analyses & cost controls

The aim of continuous production data collection is to gain knowledge about quantities, times and qualities by means of automated data collection. With SAP DM, SAP ME and SAP MII, IGZ supports you in having access to comprehensive standard evaluations for targeted analyses and cost controls at all times.

This allows you to track and monitor all work steps of your production orders seamlessly and in real time on the store floor. With workstation dialogs that can be flexibly configured according to your requirements and viewed on stationary and mobile devices, you can ensure that your employees work according to correct, efficient work instructions.

Folgende Datenerfassungsoptionen erwarten Sie in SAP MES und SAP DM u. a.:

  • An- oder Abmeldungen von Benutzer*innen
  • An- oder Abmeldungen von Fertigungsaufträgen
  • Erfassung von Rüst- und Bearbeitungszeiten
  • Erfassung von Daten/Aktionen
  • Störungen
  • Schichtbuch/Produktionsprotokoll

  • Anzeige Auftragsdetaildaten
  • Anzeige aktueller produktionsbegleitender Dokumente
  • Auftragsrückmeldeerfassung
  • Nebenzeitenerfassung
  • Durchführen produktionsbegleitender Qualitätsprüfungen
  • und viele weitere.

Do you have any questions? Get in touch with us!

Talk to us about your logistics tasks, wishes and expectations. Benefit from our many years of experience in project planning, implementation and the direct SAP connection of warehouse technology and production systems of any type and from any system provider.

Andreas Busch

Sales SAP MES / DM

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