Automation of production planning
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You may have already noticed: SAP is officially changing the name of its cloud-based MES solution SAP DMC (short for SAP Digital Manufacturing Cloud) to SAP DM (SAP Digital Manufacturing).
But what are the implications and what is the background to this change?
The most important thing right at the beginning: The renaming to "SAP Digital Manufacturing" (SAP DM) does not change anything with regard to the functionalities for customers who have already used SAP DMC. This is because the product will continue to include all the functions and benefits that it already had before. SAP's cloud-based MES solution enables companies to control their entire production in a single system: from detailed planning to order control to actual production.
However, the new name SAP DM underscores SAP's strategic focus and is another example of cloud technologies establishing themselves as a new standard in the software industry. The Manufacturing Execution System is provided via the cloud as "Software as a Service" (SaaS), which allows users to save on hardware and operating costs and to benefit from newly developed functionalities even after go-live. Since this provision of enterprise software solutions can be understood as a new standard, SAP believes that an explicit reference in the product name of the cross-industry MES platform is no longer necessary.
The renaming of SAP DMC to SAP DM thus marks a further step forward in the development of the portfolio in the area of manufacturing and a milestone in SAP's "cloud-first" strategy. As a result, all future further developments of MES functionalities will also focus primarily on the cloud-based MES solution SAP DM.
The new SAP DM and formerly known as SAP DMC cloud-based Manufacturing Execution System (MES), enables manufacturing companies to improve and digitize their production processes. This gives a company a comprehensive overview of production processes and provides information in near real time to make quick decisions and identify potential bottlenecks.
SAP Digital Manufacturing continues to consist of the following components
Here, only the spelling of the first two components changes (omitting the "C" as an abbreviation for "Cloud"). More information on the individual components can be found in the blog post "Digitizing Manufacturing with SAP DM."
Stay tuned to see what helpful developments SAP DM will bring in the future.
Do you have any questions or would you like more information on the topic of digital manufacturing? If you are currently dealing with the digitization of your production processes, please feel free to contact us and/or join us at one of the following webinars live. There you will gain insights into past projects and learn how we have solved demanding challenges in the production environment based on SAP standard software together with our customers.
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Integrated production logistics is an often underestimated success factor given the challenging times we live in. In this whitepaper, you will therefore learn about the advantages of an end-to-end process organization (for example, in the form of MES-controlled provisioning for production supply) and how you can integrate and implement this with the familiar SAP solutions at your company.