Pack & Move 2014, Basle (CH), 09/09 to 12/09/2014

hall 1 - stand B46
Your benefit
On this year's Pack & Move IGZ gives its visitors interesting insights in current projects by means of different live demos, coming from the field of SAP Warehousing and SAP Manufacturing. IGZ hosts you at stand B46.
Thus spotlight is directed to well-established SAP modules SAP EWM (SAP Extended Warehouse Management), SAP ME (SAP Manufacturing Execution) and SAP TM (SAP Transportation Management). All of them feature fully integrated and comprehensive process support for all kinds of SAP modules.
The interaction of SAP MES solutions SAP ME (SAP Manufacturing Execution) and SAP MII (SAP Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence) with the logistics module of SAP EWM (SAP Extended Warehouse Management) provides complete integration for supply to/transfer from production, which is currently provided by IGZ only and also convinced well-known IGZ-customers.
With SAP Practice examples, that are shown fully apprehendable, we demonstrate benefits of open, compatible and economic SAP software suite and inform about a variety of productions inforcements with SAP EWM (SAP Extended Warehouse Management) SAP MII (SAP Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence) and SAP ME (SAP Manufacturing Execution).
Further information
Your personal contact person
Herr Wolfgang Brunner
Messe Schweiz (Basel) AG
4005 Basel (CH)
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