SAP DMe Digital production control

What is SAP DMe?

SAP Digital Manufacturing for Execution (SAP DMe) is one of the functional components ofSAP Digital Manufacturing. SAP DMe is a cloud-based production control system for the detailed planning and control of orders and the targeted execution of all production processes.

What are the functions of SAP DMe?

SAP DMe connects the administrative ERP level with the store floor. It serves as a central production control system that can be used to precisely adjust and control the order-related use of resources and the work steps in production.

Workers are guided via easy-to-understand, graphical user interfaces(Production Operator Dashboards, PODs for short) , which virtually eliminates assembly errors. They can edit processes on these predefined PODs and adapt them individually to the requirements of the respective process. The POD functionalities range from simple order start and completion functions to the visualization of work instructions and complex, quality-assuring process steps.

The seamless, bidirectional connection of machines can be easily implemented using SAP Plant Connectivity (PCo)/Production Connector. This allows master data and transaction data to be synchronized from the ERP system to the store floor. All data generated during the production process is stored in full and can be viewed via the store floor control number (SFC, the unique ID of a product). This enables one hundred percent traceability, which means that all statutory quality requirements are met.

SAP DMe meets the requirements of modern, decentralized manufacturing companies by enabling manufacturing systems to be networked across large distances .

What are the advantages of SAP DMe?

  • Detailed detailed planning and control of individual operational work steps down to workstation level
  • Central production control system for clear, transparent presentation of all production processes
  • Highly configurable, flexible Production Operator Dashboards as an interface between employee and machine
  • Display of work instructions (3D models, videos, PDFs, etc.)

  • End-to-end traceability - from production progress to the analysis of all recorded product data
  • Error recording and analysis
  • Machine connectivity - bidirectional connection of production systems from different manufacturers, direct connection of e.g. PLCs or systems

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Whitepaper „SAP Digital Manufacturing - Process Industry“
Production control from the cloud with SAP DMe
Request our SAP DMe whitepaper now

In this white paper, we will show you how to make the right decision for your specific application. In the context of the smart or digital factory, SAP Digital Manufacturing for Execution (SAP DMe) acts as a SaaS manufacturing cloud solution that enables you to achieve significant gains in quality and efficiency. As a result, visions and ideas relating to "Industry 4.0" are increasingly becoming a tangible reality.


request whitepaper for free
Highlights from the SAP DMe whitepaper

  • DMe as the central pivotal point in the product
  • Resource orchestration at shop-floor level
  • Dynamic workforce scheduling with SAP DMe
  • Selected MES applications for the process industry

Do you have any questions or would you like more information? Please contact us for a joint exchange!

Andreas Busch

Sales SAP MES / DM

Your contact at IGZ - get in touch!

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