IGZ Products Transportation

Transportation Saving Analysis

With the IGZ Best Practice Transportation Saving Analysis , you can use our standardized procedure to demonstrate potential savings (e.g. fewer tours, better use of quotas, selection of the most cost-effective carriers). We set up an SAP TM system for you in our IGZ test environment with data from your day-to-day business.

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Transportation Forecast

The IGZ Best Practice Transportation Forecast is a simple, intuitive tool for transportation simulation in the ERP sales process. With the Transportation Forecast, you have a tool at hand to quickly display important, transportation-relevant data.

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Extended Express Ship Interface

With the IGZ Best Practice Extended SAP Express Ship Interface , transport service providers and freight forwarders with a certified SAP interface can print shipping labels directly from SAP R/3 (or S/4) or SAP EWM / TM.

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Tour Tracking App

The IGZ Best Practice Tour Tracking App in conjunction with SAP TM enables the tracking of goods shipments, regardless of whether they are handled by the company's own fleet or by specialized service providers.

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Mobile Truck Check

The IGZ Best Practice Mobile Truck Check significantly simplifies the inspection process for the shipper. The SAP UI5 app provides a digital checklist adapted to the freight order to be loaded. The necessary information is displayed in a simple and image-guided manner.

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Smart Driver Check-In

The IGZ Best Practice Smart Driver Check-In guides the truck driver through the registration process at a terminal immediately after arriving at the plant. After selecting the respective national language, the simple, intuitive dialog guidance begins. 

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Extended Gate Management

With IGZ Best Practice Extended Gate Management, graphically supported gate and time slot management can be carried out directly in SAP TM. The transports planned / pending in SAP TM can be assigned to the available loading and unloading gates and the free time slots by drag & drop in a clear graphic.

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