IGZ Products Picking / Packing
Pick by Robot
The IGZ Best Practice Pick by Robot was developed for the fully automated picking of individual parts and takes over the picking activities of warehouse employees. The multi-patented picking robot is the first mobile picking robot that can be used alternately or as an alternative to the worker.
Pick by Motion
The IGZ Best Practice Pick by Motion is a high-performance picking technology with minimal use of technology and maximum flexibility for more safety in order picking.
Multi Order Matching
IGZ Best Practice Multi Order Matching significantly increases the number of multi-order picks. In automated warehouses, this reduces the number of picks required, while in manual warehouses the number of picking points to be approached is reduced. The aim is to pick pending orders with as few retrievals as possible.
Packing Assistant
By using SAP EWM / TM, the IGZ Best Practice Packing Assistant can pack, palletize and ship all goods intended for storage, internal material flow or shipping in a system-guided, optimal, cost-effective and secure manner.
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Work by Mobile
With IGZ Best Practice Work by Mobile, all relevant warehouse processes (putaway, stock removal, stocktaking, stock transfers, etc.) are optimally covered for working with SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM. Work by Mobile does not require any proprietary clients.
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Dynamic Tugger Train
The IGZ Best Practice Dynamic Tugger Train can supply and dispose of material to and from production with pinpoint accuracy and sequencing, which in turn leads to more efficient and leaner processes in the entire production supply chain.
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Pick by Vision
With IGZ Best Practice Pick by Vision, the direct link to SAP EWM opens up extended application possibilities in the warehousing sector. In the picking area, real-time orders via SAP EWM are displayed directly in the user's field of vision via a permanently installed microdisplay.
Extended Packing Station
The IGZ Best Practice Extended Packing Station provides useful support for the employees working there. For example, weight data is automatically read from scales, transferred and all important information about the parcel currently being packed is displayed ergonomically in large, easy-to-read fields.