What is an Automatic small parts warehouse?
Definition: An Automatic small parts warehouse (ASPW) is a specialized warehouse management system designed for the efficient storage and handling of small and medium-sized parts. The ASPW utilizes modern automation technologies to optimize the storage, picking, and retrieval of small parts.
How Does an Automatic small parts warehouse (ASPW) Work?
The Automatic small parts warehouse typically consists of an automated shelving system with vertical and horizontal storage levels, as well as rack-handling devices or robots that manage the storage processes.
In the ASPW, small parts are stored in specialized containers or boxes, which are precisely managed by automated systems. The rack-handling devices access the storage locations and transport the containers to the picking stations, where parts are prepared for shipping or further processing.
In summary, an Automatic small parts warehouse provides a precise and efficient solution for managing small and medium-sized inventories by leveraging advanced automation technologies that enhance efficiency, accuracy, and storage density.
Our Solutions in the Field of Automated Small Parts Storage
For more detailed information about the benefits and implementation of such systems, please refer to this blog post: