SAP TALKMAN integration

Timed to coincide with LogiMAT 2010, Vocollect, global market leader in voice solutions for mobile personnel, has just launched a certified procedure with which TALKMAN products can be equipped with a standardised interface to SAP LES SAP Logistics Executions System) and SAP EWM (SAP Extended Warehouse Management). SAP Logistics integrators IGZ Logistics + IT GmbH, Special Expertise Partner for Supply Chain Execution from SAP AG, is one of a handful of partners around the world now piloting the beta of "VoiceDirect ERP for use with SAP" and thus contributing to product improvements. IGZ was chosen due to its wealth of experience with the direct integration of Vocollect Voice with SAP applications.
"IGZ has been interfacing Vocollect Voice with SAP for a number of years and is the expert for SAP EWM-based (SAP Extended Warehouse Management) solutions," comments Dirk Becker, Business Development Manager at Vocollect. "This made IGZ the perfect partner for Vocollect for put our new direct SAP interface 'VoiceDirect ERP for use with SAP' through its paces and help us ready it for use in production." One particular contribution made by IGZ was to adapt Vocollect's experience with the SAP standard transactions LMO05 and LM45 to customer-specific bespoke transactions. Becker: "At Vocollect, we attach great importance to ensuring that only technically mature products come to market. Our partners must also be recognised experts in their fields. Accordingly, IGZ is playing a key role in ensuring the success of the new Vocollect-SAP integration."
During voice-assisted logistics handling, warehouse personnel are guided step-by-step through their assignments by spoken dialogue. Paper, scanners or other unwieldy resources are no longer needed, and personal can concentrate fully on their actual – and productive – assignments. As a result, efficiency in task completion rises by a further 5–10% compared to scanner-assisted MDC handling, and accuracy for products and quantities rises by a factor of as much as 3 to 5! With this technology, payback periods of less than nine months are regularly achieved.
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