Mega-trend "Industry 4.0" - IGZ at the 13-th PartnerCircle of OTH Amberg-Weiden officially recorded

At the beginning, a guided tour through the SIEMENS appliances factory impressively showed how far the implementation of Industry 4.0 has come. Subsequently, the presentation of the guest honour, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Johann Hofmann, of the Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen, illustrated the past for a while. His speech started with the punched strip and ended with the Cloud. When looking back, the topic of computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) was also mentioned, which already reverberated through the industry 30 years ago - first approach for the factory of the future. 

CIM did not prevail, but Hofmann continues to work on the idea. In 20 years of detailed work, the engineer has developed a revolutionary, industry-proven solution: the assistance system "ValueFactoring", that controls data and information flow paperless and systematically. The digital factory was the subject of Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Bierschneider. As the CEO of "SIEMENS digitisation innovation team", he took over the task almost ten years ago, to expand the Amberg appliances plant to the digital factory. The two presentations were rounded up by Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Schmidt by providing an overview of the R&D activities of the OTH Amberg-Weiden in the area of Industry 4.0.

In addition to the presentations, it is the tradition for the PartnerCircle, that a new partner is awarded the official certificate. The IGZ engineering company for logistics information systems from Falkenberg/Opf was registered this year as a new member. The two founders and managing directors of the company, Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Gropengiesser and Dipl.-ing. (FH) Johann Zrenner, received the certificate from Prof. Dr. Wolfram von Rhein, the initiator of the PartnerCircles, and introduced themselves and their company in a brief presentation the present partners.

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