Innovation@Work bei Aspöck Systems GmbH, Peuerbach (A)

Your benefit
Due to an increase in necessary process changings and requirements in production, Europe's leading manufacturer of complete lighting systems for all makes of towed vehicles, Aspöck Systems GmbH, finally decided to introduce an all-in-one SAP solution with exhaustive and integrated features.
Interaction of SAP ME (SAP Manufacturing Execution) and SAP EWM (SAP Extended Warehouse Management) simplifies processes for employees fundamentally. Introducing SAP ME (SAP Manufacturing Execution) and SAP EWM (SAP Extended Warehouse Management) Aspöck Systems GmbH is now well prepared for future requirements in manufacturing to come.
SAP ME - SAP Manufacturing Execution
With the aid of SAP ME (SAP Manufacturing Execution) discrete producing companies are enabled to manage and gear their sequences in manufacturing. SAP ME (SAP Manufactung Execution) enhances a wide range of functions that are meant to support Manufacturing Execution and hence permit multi-level transparency of single parts or batches.
SAP EWM - SAP Extended Warehouse Management
SAP EWM (SAP Extended Warehouse Management) combines highest functionality and capable process support. Main fields of using SAP EWM (SAP Extended Warehouse Management) are production logistics and demanding distribution handlings as well as multi-customer-warehouses at service providers for logistics.
itinerary, 06/11/2014
12:30 p.m. - reception
12:45 p.m. - brief introduction in SAP
13:00 p.m. - Successful tie-up - Aspöck realises product integration through SAP EWM (SAP Extended Warehouse Management)
13:45 p.m. - conducted tour
15:30 p.m. - pause
15:45 p.m. - questions and discussion
16:15 p.m. - Conclusion with local specialities from Innviertel
17:00 p.m. - end of event
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