Annual DSAG Congress 2012. Bremen, 25/09 to 27/09/2012

"Back to future - ERP at the centre of integrated systems" is the device for the annual DSAG Congress which will be held in September in Congress Centre Bremen.

Your benefit

At our stand visitors can get themselves a picture of performances run by the SAP software suite in warehousing and manufacturing. They offer several benefits and moreover possibilities of how to apply them best will be revealed. Our IGZ experts are pleased to exemply those advantages to the audience in a personal sermon at our stand.


As a special feature an automised high by storage which is run by SAP EWM/MFS (SAP Extended Warehouse Management/Material Flow System) is expecting you. In another live demonstration for direct machine integration from SAP for production plants and mounting lines including SAP Manufacturing Execution (SAP ME/MII). Here SAP bridges the gap between between SAP ERP (SAP Enterprise-Resource-Planning) and the level of machine control systems (shop floor). SAP ME/MII (Manufacturing Execution/Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence) completely covers classical MES demands from controlling and control stations to the point of technical integration.

Further information

Do not hesitate to contact us under for your personal appointment. (German only)
Messe und Congress Centrum Bremen
Findorffstraße 101
28215 Bremen

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