Pick-by-Vision with SAP EWM and SMART GLASSES

17/06/2014 | Falkenberg

By now, various technologies in the field of "augmented reality" or "Pick-by-Vision" have found their way into in-house logistics. With Smart Glasses (e.g. Google Glass), various technology providers have succeeded in demonstrating how a pair of glasses can be used as a multifunction device for employees in a warehouse. In the picking area (Pick-by-Vision) at IGZ's customers, real-time orders – here via SAP EWM (SAP Extended Warehouse Management) – are overlaid onto the operator's field of view via an embedded micro-display housed in the glasses.Thanks to this online technology, which is linked to the SAP EWM (SAP Extended Warehouse Management) system in real time, the user is presented continuously with the current system state of the SAP order needing to be processed and can be deplo

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Tyre retreading with SAP ME and SAP EWM at CONTINENTAL AG

30.06.2014 | Hannover

The tyre retreading process at Continental's new lifecycle plant requires close collaboration between production and logistics. To manage workflows on the factory floor and warehouse, the tyre maker has therefore opted to interface the warehouse and production management systems together. Reducing emissions of the CO2 greenhouse gas and careful management of our resources are important topics of our time. Continental is stepping up to this challenge with what is to date its unique hot- plus cold-process approach to re-treading HGV tyres, whereby significantly less energy is consumed than when manufacturing new tyres. Customers such as trucking companies can thereby benefit from significantly lower prices. The operational basis for the business is the new ContiLifeCycle Plant, which th

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10/09/2014 | Falkenberg

With Release 15.0 of its Manufacturing Suite, SAP is systematically pursuing its strategy of providing comprehensive support for shop-floor handling in manufacturing. All of the constituent modules in the Manufacturing Suite (SAP ME, SAP MII and SAP PCo) now share a common release strategy.This reduces maintenance and upgrade effort for users of the SAP Manufacturing Suite. Particularly in cases where the various parts of the production unit happen to deploy different module sets from the Suite. Indeed, this is increasingly the situation: after all, not every part of production will need to deploy the entire set.For a business department, however, functional enhancements are much more important. A few examples are listed below, which underline SAP's strong commitment to enhancing standard

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SAP "Gold" Quality Award

28.11.2014 | Mannheim

In November, SAP Germany presented the SAP Quality Awards 2014 in the SAP Arena, Mannheim. The "GOLD" winner in the category "Business Transformation" for 2014 was the wholesaler and retailer Gebr. Heinemann SE & Co., Hamburg, together with its SAP EWM (SAP Extended Warehouse Management) implementation partner IGZ, for its implementation of SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SAP EWM) in the new distribution centre in Erlensee.Gebr. Heinemann and IGZ are very happy to have completed the successful rollout of SAP EWM (SAP Extended Warehouse Management) at the Erlensee logistics centre. A particular challenge in this very successful SAP EWM (SAP Extended Warehouse Management) project was the world's first realization of a highly dynamic material flow system with SAP EWM/MFS in a distribution

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SAP "Perfect Plant" Initiative

01/09/2009 | Falkenberg

With the "Perfect Plant" initiative, SAP has made good on its promise to support its customers in their shop floor integration projects. The tools involved here are the familiar planning functions in SAP ERP/SAP SCM, in combination with the new shop floor integration functionality offered by SAP MII and manufacturing execution features from SAP ME. SAP users have responded positively to the SAP "Perfect Plant" initiative.The broad application spectrum for the SAP MII integration platform means that SAP functionality can be deployed directly, right down to the machines on the production floor.In addition to the core functions, i.e.– standardisation of connectivity to the shop floor layer (machinery and IT systems);– centralisation of ERP postings from production; and– standardised KPI

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IGZ is a 2009 BAVARIA'S BEST 50 Prize-winner

01/07/2009 | Munich

In July 2009, Falkenberg-based SAP Logistics integrators IGZ Logistics + IT GmbH were named one of Bavaria's Best 50 companies for the second year in a row. This honour was granted to the Falkenberg-based IT company on account of the continuous growth and positive business development it has experienced over the last five years. IGZ specialises in the implementation of manual and automated production and distribution logistics systems using the software suite from SAP AG.Every year, the Bavarian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Transport and Technology presents this coveted prize at an awards ceremony in Munich to the 50 best owner-managed companies in Bavaria. The coveted prize, in the shape of a Bavarian porcelain lion, was accepted along with a framed prize certificate by the two IGZ mana

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SAP LES/TRM/EWM solutions

30/03/2009 | Walldorf

End-to-end warehouse management and material flow control with the SAP LES/TRM suite has also made an impressive entry into the market for highly-automated logistics centres. With the SAP SCM component SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SAP EWM), SAP now provides an additional warehouse management component with extra features for expanded application domains.Both warehouse solutions, i.e. SAP LES (SAP Logistics Execution System) and SAP EWM (SAP Extended Warehouse Management), are future-proof SAP standard software products and offer decisive advantages in their respective specialised domains of application. Both solutions offer an integrated SAP Task and Resource Management (SAP TRM).While SAP LES (SAP Logistics Execution System) is more suited to a centralised IT strategy (focus on inte

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SAP EWM / Extended Warehouse Management

30/11/2008 | Walldorf

From 2006, SAP has been offering SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SAP EWM) as part of mySAP SCM vers. 5.0.Under the hood, SAP has added new features for SAP warehouse management for specific industries.As one example, SAP EWM (SAP Extended Warehouse Management) now offers considerably more support than before for system owners in the service parts logistics segment. Features here include the modelling of variants as well as "Service Parts Planning & Execution". SAP EWM (SAP Extended Warehouse Management) also offers improved multi-client capabilities (multi-customer warehousing), which is especially important for logistics service providers.SAP EWM (SAP Extended Warehouse Management) also facilitates improved goods logistics within distributed warehouse centres. Frequently-requested arti

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SAP MII deployment

01/11/2008 | Falkenberg

SAP is advancing into hitherto-neglected areas of production control and closing the gap between SAP ERP and the machine control layer. This allows SAP MII to control production in real time.As a general rule, various systems are already in use in automated factories today, for plant data collection, process and machine data, quality systems, assembly instructions as well as for interfacing with underlying machine control systems. Often, these systems have developed over time and are usually based on different IT technologies.With SAP Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence (SAP MII), SAP offers a standardized and highly flexible IT platform for vertical data integration that is precisely tailored to the requirements of the production floor. SAP MII (SAP Manufacturing Integration and In

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New building project at AMC in Bingen am Rhein

21/09/2008 | Bingen am Rhein

Project brief: In Bingen-Kempten, AMC Alfa Metalcraft Corporation has opened a new and central distribution warehouse for all of Europe.The goal was to set up a simple and ruggedly designed plant featuring optimum use of space. Thanks to optimised routing within the site and a clear-cut process structure, employees can work flexibly and maximum flexibility for the plant's overall output is also ensured.At the heart of the site is a new picking centre, which has been incorporated into the existing building. Project specifications 60 drive systems, 12 scannersPools in the control units for tote routingInterfaces to automated strapping and bonding machinesID point with tote and order entry Image gallery

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